#100DaysOfCode Round 2 Goals

  • Update: on Round 2 Goals. I made some progress, but didn’t keep good track of these and got distracted by other projects. Gotta keep trying!

I’m feeling excited about round 2 of #100DaysOfCode and wanted to put down some goals. Here they are:

  1. Brush up on GitCOMPLETE
  2. Create Python ProjectsSorta made progress
    1. Use Python GUI modules to create a Software Testing Quiz
      1. Create a #dataviz of the quiz results
    2. Explore data analytics and build data visualizations with Matplotlib and other modules from discovered datasets
      1. Let’s set a goal of 10, that seems reasonable
    1. Create a test automation suite here, against my WordPress site.
  3. Post here 14 timesHa, not even close
    1. Content can include tutorials, study topics, etc.
  4. Learn some Javascript and D3.jsTouched it a couple times. Will circle back in 2021!
  5. Have Fun!

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