#100DaysOfCode Round 2 Goals

Update: on Round 2 Goals. I made some progress, but didn’t keep good track of these and got distracted by other projects. Gotta keep trying! I’m feeling excited about round 2 of #100DaysOfCode and wanted to put down some goals. Here they are: Brush up on Git – COMPLETE Create Python Projects – Sorta madeContinue reading “#100DaysOfCode Round 2 Goals”

#100DaysOfCode Retrospective

Wow, it’s hard to believe I’ve completed my first #100DaysOfCode. For some background, I’ve worked as a software tester for many years and have had some coding experience, namely with Ruby and Java for test automation. I decided it was time to level-up in a big way and Python was my language of choice givenContinue reading “#100DaysOfCode Retrospective”